DrugBank Release Version 5.0.2

These DrugBank datasets are released under a Creative Common's Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Released onVersionSizeCommandDownload (XML)Schema Definition
All drugs2016-10- MBExampleView

These DrugBank datasets are released under a Creative Common's Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Full Drug Structures in SDF Format

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (SDF)
All2016-10- MBExample
Approved2016-10- MBExample
Experimental2016-10- MBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10-015.0.2113 KBExample
Illicit2016-10-015.0.2110 KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10-015.0.2120 KBExample
Investigational2016-10-015.0.2481 KBExample

Protein identifiers include external IDs to resources such as UniProt and PDB.These downloads are divided first by protein/compound type (target, transporter, etc.). Secondly they are divided by drug group (approved, illicit, etc.). Each archive contains 2 files: one for all target/enzyme/transporter/carriers and one with only those marked as pharmacologically active (directly related to the mechanism of action for at least one of the associated drugs).

Note that each row in the export CSV file also includes a concatenated list of DrugBank drugs IDs (semi-colon delimited) as the last column.

These DrugBank datasets are released under a Creative Common's Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Drug Target Identifiers

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (CSV)
All2016-10-015.0.2386 KBExample
Approved2016-10-015.0.2207 KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10-015.0.2370 KBExample
Biotech2016-10-015.0.231 KBExample
Experimental2016-10-015.0.2221 KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10-015.0.2111 KBExample

Drug Enzyme Identifiers

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (CSV)
All2016-10- KBExample
Approved2016-10- KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10- KBExample
Biotech2016-10- KBExample
Experimental2016-10- KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10- KBExample

Drug Carrier Identifiers

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (CSV)
All2016-10- KBExample
Approved2016-10- KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10- KBExample
Biotech2016-10-015.0.2738 BytesExample
Experimental2016-10- KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10-015.0.2900 BytesExample
Withdrawn2016-10-015.0.2864 BytesExample
Investigational2016-10- KBExample

Drug Transporter Identifiers

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (CSV)
All2016-10- KBExample
Approved2016-10- KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10- KBExample
Biotech2016-10-015.0.2583 BytesExample
Experimental2016-10- KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10- KBExample

These DrugBank datasets are released under a Creative Common's Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Drug Target Sequences (FASTA Format)

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload
All2016-10- MBExample
Approved2016-10- MBExample
Small Molecule2016-10- MBExample
Biotech2016-10-015.0.2270 KBExample
Experimental2016-10- MBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10-015.0.2637 KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10-015.0.2230 KBExample
Investigational2016-10-015.0.2959 KBExample

Drug Enzyme Sequences (FASTA Format)

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload
All2016-10-015.0.2190 KBExample
Approved2016-10-015.0.2189 KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10-015.0.2181 KBExample
Biotech2016-10- KBExample
Experimental2016-10- KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10-015.0.2115 KBExample

Drug Carrier Sequences (FASTA Format)

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload
All2016-10- KBExample
Approved2016-10- KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10- KBExample
Biotech2016-10- KBExample
Experimental2016-10-015.0.26 KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10- KBExample

Drug Transporter Sequences (FASTA Format)

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload
All2016-10-015.0.2141 KBExample
Approved2016-10-015.0.2137 KBExample
Small Molecule2016-10-015.0.2140 KBExample
Biotech2016-10- KBExample
Experimental2016-10- KBExample
Nutraceutical2016-10- KBExample
Illicit2016-10- KBExample
Withdrawn2016-10- KBExample
Investigational2016-10- KBExample

These DrugBank datasets are released under a Creative Common's Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

Drug groupReleased onVersionSizeCommandDownload (FASTA Format)
All2016-10-015.0.2606 BytesExample
Approved2016-10-015.0.2606 BytesExample
Withdrawn2016-10-015.0.2263 BytesExample
Investigational2016-10-015.0.2627 BytesExample

The DrugBank Open Data datasets are public domain datasets that can be used freely in your application or project (including commercial use). It is released under a Creative Common's CC0 International License.
To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with the DrugBank Open Data has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the DrugBank Open Data. This work is published from: Canada.

DatasetDescriptionReleased onVersionSizeFormatCommandDownload
DrugBank VocabularyDrugBank identifiers, names, and synonyms to permit easy linking and integration into any type of project. 2016-10-015.0.2424 KBCSVExample
DrugBank StructuresDrugBank structures, names, and synonyms to permit easy linking and integration into any type of project. 2016-10- MBSDFExample